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## Action
### URL
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## Hotspot
### Tooltip
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0DA7B680_1BAD_39E7_41B3_196A1C6F9EBA.toolTip = Front of house
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0E9E2F5A_1B97_271A_419E_CD72AC54727C.toolTip = Left Of The House
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0E510506_1B95_58EA_41B9_2F2776BA06C0.toolTip = Left of the house
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0F6FBB26_1B97_2F2A_4197_60F4DAE46D1C.toolTip = Reception
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0E38F83F_1B9F_691A_41B7_561F52EE0EFC.toolTip = Start of the walks
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_0F6B45BA_1B95_7B1A_4199_BADE6B5000A0.toolTip = Start of the walks
HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E00CA2AF_F26E_F847_41D9_A7E65FDBB11F.toolTip = Welcome to Gregynog
## Media
### Title
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## Popup
### Body
htmlText_A5E552B2_B5F1_4EBF_41CC_871D9D18F967.html =
The cafe inside the Gregynog courtyard is open to day and residential visitors.
htmlText_BB576981_B5F1_DB5D_41D6_D487D4AF8D2D.html = Car parking at Gregynog is a daily rate. At the time of this tour it was £2.50 a day.
Residential visitors generally get a parking pass.
htmlText_A4F7CB66_B0D8_E0CC_41D1_AB25FBE2B94E.html = Gregynog is a sight to behold from the air. Cylch Vision can provide drone footage too.
htmlText_A0579D57_B0C9_60CD_41E5_C54E69664042.html = Here are four images from various places inside Gregynog demonstrating how an image gallery can form part of a virtual tour.
htmlText_A4C7C4E3_B5F1_CADD_41D1_1370B4D9A641.html = If you're here for a residential, or event, this is the reception desk where you can check in and find out all the information you need for your visit.
htmlText_A3EEA711_B0C8_A045_41E4_B2C2BDDC90D0.html = There are fountains and other decorative pieces throughout the gardens.
htmlText_A323D850_B0F9_A0C3_41D5_7E79DBD9CB42.html = There are several walks around the grounds and gardens. Here's a time-lapse of part of one.
### Title
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window_A057BD57_B0C9_60CD_41D2_9D6B5831DE20.title = A Look Inside
window_A4C1B4E2_B5F1_CADC_41DE_B834E77D083B.title = Checking In
window_BB6E697E_B5F1_DBA7_41C9_45261CEBCE32.title = Driving?
window_A5E7A2B1_B5F1_4EBC_41E4_4C1EEB0E650F.title = Fancy a snack?
window_A35F184F_B0F9_A0DD_41E4_C188840D8902.title = Going For A Walk
window_A3F2D710_B0C8_A043_41DE_16C6B594B9FE.title = Water Feature
## Skin
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### Multiline Text
HTMLText_0CD69E4D_1A95_E95B_41A5_FEF0E83086F7.html = WELCOME
Welcome to this unofficial demo tour of Gregynog Hall in Newtown.
This tour has been developed by Cylch Vision as a demo of the sort of thing we can do as a basic tour which can be produced quickly and easily.
Of course there are lots more complex content and activities we can integrate into a 360-degree experience too.
Croeso i Neuadd Gregynog
Mae Cylch Vision wedi datblygu daith hon i ddangos beth sy'n bosib i greu yn gfylym ac yn hawdd.
Wrth cwrs mae'n bosib iddyn ni greu profiad 360 mwy cymleth hefyd.
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HTMLText_0CD69E4D_1A95_E95B_41A5_FEF0E83086F7_mobile.html = WELCOME
Welcome to this unofficial demo tour of Gregynog Hall in Newtown.
This tour has been developed by Cylch Vision as a demo of the sort of thing we can do as a basic tour which can be produced quickly and easily.
Of course there are lots more complex content and activities we can integrate into a 360-degree experience too.
Croeso i Neuadd Gregynog
Mae Cylch Vision wedi datblygu daith hon i ddangos beth sy'n bosib i greu yn gfylym ac yn hawdd.
Wrth cwrs mae'n bosib iddyn ni greu profiad 360 mwy cymleth hefyd.
HTMLText_6368A773_727F_1ABA_41D4_52A06A152E27_mobile.html =
HTMLText_E1B631E1_F794_4F53_41EE_C6615DEF5AC9.html = About Gregynog
Gregynog is a historic house with Grade 1 listed gardens set in the heart of rural Montgomeryshire. One of Wales’ premier country estates, and the former home of art collectors and public benefactors Gwendoline and Margaret Davies
It offers a welcoming setting in which people of all ages and abilities may discover, experience, participate in, and be inspired by the arts and natural environment.
HTMLText_0D8B0E4B_1A93_695F_4191_D4DC6B7B25C7.html = Fersiwn Cymraeg
Mae'n bosib iddyn ni greu profiad efo botwm i newid iaith, neu profiad efo popeth yn dwyieithiog.
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HTMLText_E1B631E1_F794_4F53_41EE_C6615DEF5AC9_mobile.html = About Gregynog
Gregynog is a historic house with Grade 1 listed gardens set in the heart of rural Montgomeryshire. One of Wales’ premier country estates, and the former home of art collectors and public benefactors Gwendoline and Margaret Davies
It offers a welcoming setting in which people of all ages and abilities may discover, experience, participate in, and be inspired by the arts and natural environment.
HTMLText_0D8B0E4B_1A93_695F_4191_D4DC6B7B25C7_mobile.html = Fersiwn Cymraeg
Mae'n bosib iddyn ni greu profiad efo botwm i newid iaith, neu profiad efo popeth yn dwyieithiog.
HTMLText_63684778_727F_1AB7_41B9_14D41B92FB97_mobile.html = About Gregynog
Gregynog is a historic house with Grade 1 listed gardens set in the heart of rural Montgomeryshire. One of Wales’ premier country estates, and the former home of art collectors and public benefactors Gwendoline and Margaret Davies
It offers a welcoming setting in which people of all ages and abilities may discover, experience, participate in, and be inspired by the arts and natural environment.
HTMLText_6369176F_727F_1AAA_41CC_D963747E162C_mobile.html = Fersiwn Cymraeg
Mae'n bosib iddyn ni greu profiad efo botwm i newid iaith, neu profiad efo popeth yn dwyieithiog.
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## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Gregynog Demo